These are photos of my facility. I have a room built on to my parent's home that houses all my adults and puppies. I try very hard to do this the right way and give all my dogs and pups plenty of room to play, eat, and sleep. They each have doggie doors to come in and out as they want to and the room is heated and cooled at a constant temperataure. I do have dog runs and our pups are not allowed outside until they have had their 3rd puppy shots. When weather allows, I let my dogs into our back yard to run and play, where I have lush grass to play in. It is fenced in and large. I try to do this as often as weather permits. The following photos are how my dog room and dog runs always look.
I decided to create this page for those customers that live too far away to visit me in person. I want all my customers to feel 100% comfortable doing business with me. Please, look at the testimonial page also. These are real testimonies from real people and I have changed nothing about them.