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PLEASE NOTE: All of my adults' hair is kept short so that it is easier to keep them clean and healthly.
This is Ziva, She is a Bichon Frise. She weighs between 13-15lbs. She is AKC registered.
This is Abbi, She is a Bichon Frise. She weighs between 13-15lbs. She is AKC registered. Abbi is a little shy.
This is Stormy! She is a Brindle AKC registered Shih Tzu. She weighs 9 lbs.
These pictures don't capture her coloring as well as I would like.
This is Mocha! She is a Chocolate Shih Tzu and AKC registered. She weighs 8-9 lbs.
This is Sami! She is a Black Shih Tzu and AKC registered. She weighs 8 lbs.
This is Rosie! Rosie a beautiful gold with black mask Shih Tzu and she is AKC registered. She weighs 11.8lbs
This is Lola! Lola is a beautiful liver Shih Tzu and she is AKC registered. She weighs 6.5 lbs, right now. Lola is not old enough to breed yet, but she is super cute. Lola was really excited to get her picture taken!
This is Coco! Coco is a beautiful liver Shih Tzu and she is AKC registered. She weighs 9.5 lbs. Coco was super shy today for her pictures! She is a super sweet girl.
New females for breeding!
We have couple new females for breeding. We are waiting for them to get old enough to breed and will put pictures of them on the website at that time. We don't breed our females the first cycle and they must be about 14 months or older before their first breeding.
We have Lola she is a beautiful liver Shih Tzu. We also have Pippa, she is also a liver Shih Tzu white markings. They will be added to our program when they are old enough.
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